Honor Dr. King: Parade & Dream Day Celebration in Kannapolis

Looking for a way to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday? The City of Kannapolis is hosting a Parade and Dream Day event for families to celebrate his enduring impact.
The Dream Day Parade in Kannapolis: 11am
The parade will be comprised of a variety of local cheer and dance teams, marching bands, civic organizations, and corporate groups. It will begin at the intersection of Main Street and Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue and travel down Main Street to Laureate Way, ending at City Hall, 401 Laureate Way.
Dream Day Event in Kannapolis: 12–3pm
Following the parade there will be several free activities at the Laureate Center, at Kannapolis City Hall including:
- Minority Business Fair
- Health & Wellness Fair
- Local Non-profit Organization Fair
- Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Information Fair
- Art Contest
>> Learn more
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