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Tag: tips

🏑 Backyard Spaces – Investments to Enjoy

Volumes of scientific research prove the physical and mental health benefits of spending time outdoors. The pandemic shifted that amount of time upward for most people and that trend has remained strong. People are doing more relaxing, grilling, gardening, exercising, dining, playing with pets and children, and entertaining outside. Photo credits: All photos in this article are Team Honeycutt client images. Below we have highlighted THREE additions we are LOVING for outdoor living and it’s making life more enjoyable and more valuable than ever before. Patio A patio can add privacy and protect...

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🏑 The Power of Curb Appeal: Making a Lasting First Impression

First impressions are critical in a job interview, a first date, and especially in real estate! The average home buyer gets their first impression of your home as they pull into the driveway and get out to walk to the front door. Typically, this happens within the first 8 to 12 seconds. Curb appeal can get the buyer excited to see the inside of your home! It sets the mood and mindset for the rest of the showing. Consider these two scenarios: #1. A buyer pulls into your driveway and notices first the trash bins sitting in front of the garage door. Next, they see neglected flower beds and small...

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β˜€οΈπŸš— Summer Car Care Tips

Summer is almost here, and it’s time to hit the road and enjoy the sunny weather. However, before embarking on your adventures, it’s crucial to ensure that your car is prepared to handle the hot weather conditions. Let the experts at Ben Mynatt help you with that summer maintenance to keep your vehicle running smoothly and ensure a trouble-free season. Many of these you can do yourself at home, but you can also let our factory-trained technicians make your life easier by scheduling a visit! Check and maintain the cooling system. The cooling system is critical to prevent your engine...

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